Thematic, innovative and bespoke investment solutions and thinking

Unlock access to ARP+

£25 a month billed annually. Special group packages also available – please contact us for further details.

For regulatory purposes, we cannot offer ARP+ to Retail Clients. For us to treat you as a Professional Client, you need to fulfil and agree to certain conditions. You’ll then be able to subscribe.


Client categorisation

To qualify as a Professional Client, at least two of the following three criteria need to apply to you.

Criteria 1

I work or have worked in the financial sector for at least one year in a professional position, which requires knowledge of the transaction or services envisaged

Criteria 2

The size of the financial instrument portfolio, defined as including cash deposits and financial instruments, exceeds EUR 500,000

Criteria 3

I have carried out transactions, in significant size (i.e.value of trades totalling EUR 200,000 or more) on the relevant market at an average frequency of 10 per quarter over the previous 4 quarters

Warnings and consent

Please note that as a consequence of this categorisation as an “Elective Professional Client” you will lose the protections afforded to “Retail Clients” under the FCA Rules which include the following:


We are not obliged to warn you of the nature of any risks involved in investments that we may advertise or recommend to you.

Suitability and Appropriateness

In terms of suitability we are reliant upon you to determine whether or not an investment that we recommend to you is suitable for your needs except as detailed below. In terms of appropriateness we are not responsible for ensuring that your knowledge, experience, and investment objectives are suitable for our recommendations.


You may lose your right to compensation under the Financial Ombudsman Service. You should also be aware that your rights to sue Absolute Return Partners LLP for damages will be restricted as you will only be able to sue for breaches of obligation which do not include the “Retail Clients” protections noted above.

FCA Protections that you are still subject to include:

  • We are under obligation to set out in writing the basis on which the services we will provide to you will be affected; 
  • We are required to inform you of the charges applicable in relation to the services that we will provide, and will continue to charge you in accordance with the scale already agreed unless we advise you to the contrary;
  • We have to provide you with “best execution”.

Account details


About yourself

By submitting your details you are agreeing to our Terms of ARP+ subscription, our Terms of Website Use and our Privacy Policy. We will use your data to setup your subscription account and, if appropriate, to contact you to verify your Professional Client status.
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Please contact us should you have any questions.